Attaching importance on prevention is to solve the problems such as the base of education is not solid, the system is imperfect and the supervision is not forceful.
In our working lives we are expected to express ourselves in a forceful and authoritative way, so it's not surprising if we believe the same logic should apply to thoughts on our partners' clothes.
But the watchdog's views are not truths, they're just opinions -forceful opinions that have the potential to completely brainwash you of your own opinions if you aren't careful.
He was not, however, a particularly forceful personality.
Children should not speak to their parents in a forceful fashion.
It's not about being forceful and telling people that eating meat is wrong.
When Everton visited the Emirates recently, they played a high line and Arsenal could not get behind their back line due to a lack of forceful, quick runners.
Floyd, a man not devoid of forceful opinions, as anyone who follows him @chrisfloyduk will know, soon realized he and Twitter would become fast and bonded friends.
In recent weeks they have promised forceful measures to cool things down, but it is not clear what they will or can do.
Says Yao has to be forceful on the block to make the other teams pay for his strengths and to have that dominate attitude and not passive, and that it will make the team that much better.
If the market is not stable, do not rule out the management will continue to adopt more forceful measures.
She's been very generous in not being forceful at all and in any of her views, but I feel she's been there, a gentle guidance really for me.
Therefore, not only a forceful basis may be provided for distinguishing various structures of these compounds but also carbon bonded types and carbon bonded state of unknown compounds can be deduced.
She's been very generous in not being forceful at all and in any of her views, but I feel she's been there, a gentle guidance really for me.
If someone else is doing the wrong thing, stand up tall and say, "That's not right and I won't stand for it!" it 'okay to be forceful.
She was very forceful, and Cohn never had a chance of not being taken in hand.
I believe calamity is brought not by exploration of things themselves, but rather by forceful judgments arising from the impulse to find answers.
It is difficult to have as broad a forceful, I do not know that to accumulate vast, how to save every one soil?
Yoga needs to be practiced in a very subtle, gentle way, not in a forceful muscle-building way, because this is not about exercise.
Yoga needs to be practiced in a very subtle, gentle way, not in a forceful muscle-building way, because this is not about exercise.