But as we hope we've shown in the table, that really represents an array with a single element whose value is null, not a null array.
Elements in positions 11 and up do not exist (note that this is not the same as being NULL). Therefore, a statement such as.
Similarly, the thread local password is checked and used if not null (and reset to null after use.)
But usually these attributes are not needed, so specifying NULL is the norm.
The first one asserts that the calculator instance object is not null, i.e. it exists.
If the string to be searched is not found and neither argument is null, the result is 0.
The unit test methods first verify that the object provided is not null, and then perform one or more very basic actions on the object.
If the host is not defined already, the output is null.
Initially, this routine checks if the passed inquiry context is not NULL and is for a group member inquiry.
If this checkbox is not selected, the generated WSDL is set to (null), as shown in Listing 7.
This method will return null if the focus owner is not in the same context as the calling thread.
Items that could not be found (their price is NULL) can be filtered out.
The procedure does not perform any action if the given table name is NULL.
Several wiring layouts are in use, because the null modem connection is not covered by a standard.
If the customer number is not null, that is, the customer is already known, the left hand path is followed (2), and the customer data is retrieved from the customer registration service (3).
One of the problems with not entering this data in regular RDBMS columns is that no rules are defined-no data types, not NULL identifiers and so forth.
未在常规的RDBMS列中输入该数据导致的问题之一是没有定义任何规则——没有数据类型和NOT NULL标识符等。
In lines 22 through 34 you select an operating system that is not NULL from the list obtained in previous step.
If the input binding parameter is not NULL, then it means that the endpoint resides on a remote host.
If the parameter is pointing to null, then the logs are not archived.
If a default value is not specified, the variable is initialized to NULL.
If the URI does not exist in the internal hash table, a null is returned.
Clearly, SOAP separating is not the same as a null pointer.
For example, if a before trigger supplies value to a NOT NULL column, then the before trigger is executed first and a value is supplied to the column so that the NOT NULL constraint isn't violated.
例如,如果一个BEFORE触发器给一个NOT null列提供值,那么先执行BEFORE触发器,给列提供值,所以不会违反NOT NULL约束。
The uniqueness is ensured on the NOT NULL values.
确保NOT NULL 值的惟一性。
The code in listing 11 first checks if the response passed is null, and, if not, then checks if the required fields are null.
An empty or null array is not a valid return value.
If the value is not null, it is converted into an int value.
The best practice is not to pass an array with null elements between Web service clients and servers.
It could be null if the session is not authenticated.
For example, data classified as "unknown" usually indicates a column that is null or empty and probably not used.