Since his death five years ago, the chance to tour their music has provided not just a living, but a way of ensuring their distinctive culture survives.
"Getting fit" became synonymous not just with healthier living, but with a leaner, meaner body, and the ground was laid for a burgeoning gym industry.
And it is the hardest thing to do when you're living with not just a racial secret, any kind of secret.
I'm not just quitting a job-the job is not the point here-i'm quitting the life that I lived, and I'm committed to living a meaningful life, one in which I do what I love.
The reality is that many closed-source vendors are not particularly evil or malicious, are not concealing rootkits, and are just trying to make a living in a way that they know how to make work.
It's not failure if you "just" make a nice living for yourself.
In the case of two frog species living at Bristol Zoo Gardens in England it takes creating a very special environment, and not just one that plays romantic music.
A life worth living and work worth doing - that is what I want for children (and all people), not just... Something called a better education.
Now the city wants to become a “living laboratory” for smart urban technologies of all kinds—not just water and transport systems but green buildings, clean energy and city management too.
Now the city wants to become a "living laboratory" for smart urban technologies of all kinds-not just water and transport systems but green buildings, clean energy and city management too.
So if you're not living in a malaria environment, the mutation is just bad.
Just living is not enough... One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.
Of course, we still need to work, but just as important as earning a living is the passion that drives us to excel - even at careers that are not especially lucrative.
We're not just humans living, we're artists shaping a story.
In the end Plato could not see himself living a private life of the mind; he felt that he had to make his contribution to the construction of a rational and just society.
It argues that although it is a living organism, which would normally be outside the scope of patent law, it is also a true artefact, not just the product of selective breeding.
Many times, my clients with large living rooms or family rooms have a corner or side of the room that is just not used.
And then I have a another piece by Rodin just to remind me that it's not all about thinking, there are other things that just make life worth living.
Even if you're not in business for yourself, and you just want to actually enjoy what you do for a living, you have to find a way to market yourself.
Gold is not a living thing, just a door stop throwing off nada, a derivative of our weakening dollar.
Your abilities were not given just to make a living; God gave them to you for your ministry.
Most people have to make a living, which not just only make a living but also hope to make a good living.
Most people have to make a living which not just only make a living but also hope to make a good living.
Remember, living a life of excellence is not difficult, its just an attitude of mind.
In the photos by Gideon Mendel, people living with HIV and AIDS show that they are not just victims of misfortune, but a key part of the response to stop the spread and devastation of HIV and AIDS.
KATIE LYDON, a British-born interior designer living in New York, likes to have a lot of trays around the house - and not just for entertaining.
KATIE LYDON, a British-born interior designer living in New York, likes to have a lot of trays around the house - and not just for entertaining.