It is not really your memory letting you down, just your ability to retrieve information from it.
Not just by lying down and letting the sea wash over me, but by fighting it.
But, although this is a controversial thing to say, I think we \ 're afraid of this responsibility, afraid of not being able to discharge it well, of letting people down.
The huntsmen, however, not letting themselves be dissuaded, climbed the tree, lifted the girl down, and took her to the king.
This is about how I feel, and I'm not letting the team down. They let me down.
I was feeling bad of letting people down by not adding the requested features.
He looked as though he had saved the thirdset from 4-1 down and again did not, somehow letting it slip from 30-15up on his serve.
Tom: thanks, but it is really not an excuse... I want you to know that I feel so terrible for letting you down.
In her apologies, a grim-faced Park has said she could not forgive herself for letting her guard down with Choi, who she said had helped her during her "lonely" and "difficult times."
In her apologies, a grim-faced Park has said she could not forgive herself for letting her guard down with Choi, who she said had helped her during her "lonely" and "difficult times."