It was not long since that I returned.
I wondered that the porpoises had not long since gone away.
Not long since, a strolling Indian went to sell baskets at the house of a well-known lawyer in my neighborhood.
It is not long since educational geography is put forward in Chinese which has important theoretical significance and practical significance.
As it is not long since the decision has been implemented, up to now, few papers have been published about voluntary disclosure of earnings forecast information in China.
Gould's view was thus that the evolution of human intelligence while not exactly an accident, since it was a response to a long series of circumstances, was certainly not a foregone conclusion.
Since Marcion didn't seem to know them, perhaps they were either just being written or not long written around the middle of the second century.
Since that would be prohibitively time consuming, however, broken GUIs may not be detected until the application has begun the long and costly process of quality assurance testing.
Since the incentives for individual bloggers are not many, betting the business on the long tail of the blogosphere is risky.
Beware of single reports of radiation level reports, since radiation levels can frequently fluctuate and it is not clear who is being exposed and for how long.
Since the Azure pricing model is based on how long a role is deployed, not how long it is actually running, using internal timers isn't an option.
This is not problematic specifically in this example, since all of the operation names are six characters long, but imagine a standard that specifies more complex verbs like "Get", "List", or "Find".
Since both of the above approaches use a single transport connection to send and receive messages, they are not suitable for long-running transactions.
Seven years are not that long a period, yet, much must have changed since then.
Since Lewis died in 1963, the definition of old age has changed - indeed, most of us today are not so much hoping for a long life, as expecting it.
Q. It's been a long time since 2000 when you won the US Open. Were you beginning to think that it might not happen again?
Since that's not likely, maintenance is your key to long term success.
For Rinke, who grew up in Zimbabwe but has lived here since 1981, the lessons of the past are that race relations need not be a lovefest so long as there is civility.
It's not always easy to buy the perfect pair of men's jeans, especially since most of us would rather go to the dentist than spend a long time trying on clothes.
Many firms have improved their profitability since the 1997-98 crisis but that may not guarantee their long-term survival.
自1997- 98年的金融危机以来,许多公司已经提升了他们的盈利性,但是这并不能保证他们的长期生存。
Mistakes are tolerated, so long as they are not made again, he'd been told-only once, since the master never repeated himself.
Somehow in the 15 years since college, I have managed to accumulate a household full of "things", some of which have not been used in a very long time.
However, even that calculation may not reflect how long the particle would take to cross the Pacific, since it would not likely cross the ocean in a direct path.
A seasoned executive with a long history in Silicon Valley — not to mention one familiar with the company. Whitman, 55, has been an HP director since early this year.
The Oscars are still a few weeks away, but most publications and critics-not to mention the Golden globes-have long since picked their top movies of 2009.
Although truth be told, she'd been not-feeling like this since long before her father died.
I had not felt his remorse over Mom's death, understood his intense loneliness as an "empty nester, " or realized most of his pals had long since light-beamed off the planet.
The optimizer's estimate could be very close to the actual value as long as the data distribution has not changed since the last RUNSTATS.
The optimizer's estimate could be very close to the actual value as long as the data distribution has not changed since the last RUNSTATS.