A happy ending is not on the CARDS.
The prime minister himself insists that is not on the CARDS.
That is not on the CARDS, even if it were clear what it meant.
But cutting the MBA to a one-year programme is not on the CARDS.
That said, a complete withdrawal from nuclear energy is not on the CARDS.
The only thing that will end the bull markets is huge new su ly, and that is not on the CARDS.
The reason may be the product not on the cards or the use of single-chip programmable logic device on the other.
Not long after, the stolen data was showing up on fake cards and being used for online purchases.
On the way, there was an announcement that the restaurant car was not currently accepting credit cards.
Let me put my CARDS on the table. I am not an economist.
Most will be happy simply to finish the gruelling event, but for elite athletes a world record is on the CARDS, though not perhaps the magic two-hour barrier.
The method does not indicate which species, or how many mosquitoes, deposited viruses on the CARDS.
Love is a year-round ethereal pursuit and efforts to box it in on a particular day or package it in the form of cards, chocolates and flowers does not appeal.
More important would be resolving a spat over the liability that foreign investors will face when getting involved in India's civil-nuclear programme. That, sadly, does not seem to be on the CARDS.
His thoughts on love may not run as deeply as, say, those of the Romantic poets. He writes greeting cards, and you suspect he may believe his own cards.
Given the risks, a sustained devaluation does not appear to be on the CARDS - although in Beijing, as elsewhere, that could change as the facts do.
Not offering credit CARDS. Not advising on mergers and acquisitions. Not managing money for the wealthy.
I realize after reading messages on this website, and notes and CARDS — that I do not have to wonder about the wonderful people around me and what they would say.
Note that a player is not permitted to lay off any CARDS on the unmatched CARDS in the opponent's hand.
Aside from putting them all in a box, I don't know of a good way to keep memorable CARDS (ones with real messages, not just a signature on the bottom).
For example, users will be able to open and save music, photos, and other files on SD CARDS and USB sticks, just not on the laptops' hard drives.
Standard conditions: Many effects produce a number of standard conditions that are not described in detail on the stat CARDS. Their effects are summarized below.
It's the most romantic day of the year, but for many people the CARDS they receive on February 14 are not from a Valentine, but from themselves.
Some teenagers make purchases on the Internet (on sites like eBay) but this is only used by a small percentage, as a credit card is required and most teenagers do not have credit CARDS.
They're everywhere: tucked away in magazines, adorning business CARDS and t-shirts and splashed across posters and billboards, not to mention on display at The Museum of Modern Art.
它们随处可见:在杂志里、商务名片上、以及T恤衫上,甚至在海报和公告牌上也到处都是它们的身影,更别提现代艺术博物馆(The Museumof Modern Art)里的展览上了。
"She carried around business CARDS from the record label with her name on it," Katsuragi recalls, "which is odd, because artists usually don't do that, not even new ones."
There were certainly rumours that the recent attack on Sony's PlayStation Network was carried out via Amazon servers rented using stolen credit CARDS, but these have not been substantiated.
Please prepare enough cash in RMB or exchange in the bank beforehand for payment as we can not accept foreign currency or credit CARDS on campus.
Please prepare enough cash in RMB or exchange in the bank beforehand for payment as we can not accept foreign currency or credit CARDS on campus.