Because this very realisation - that you are not your mind or thoughts, your emotions, and your body - is what got me out of my depression.
It seemed a pretty song, but she made such grimaces, and sang, to my mind, so out of tune, I would not have asked her to sing again; but Lupin made her sing four songs right off, one after the other.
It doesn't mean that my mind is closed; it means that I'm not going to be convinced out of an idea or a feeling simply for the sake of social form or expectation.
The first thing that crossed my mind when I opened my mouth came out. Not even meaning to say it, I said: "my most vibrant5 memory of Frank is one that I think anyone would remember for many years."
GG: I'm going out of my mind! I wish our test was next week, I am not prepared.
The gazelle I was feeding seemed to know that this thought was in my mind, for though it took the piece of bread I was holding out it obviously did not like me.
The rain was whipping so much that I could tell it was a stinging rain, and I changed my mind about going out into it, not wanting any part of that.
When Chao Yin, kept in the dark night call, when the five-color embroidery line could not finish the long spring day, those unsolvable, not out of the soft, it will overflow my mind.
When Chao Yin, kept in the dark night call, when the five-color embroidery line could not finish the long spring day, those unsolvable, not out of the soft, it will overflow my mind.