If you move a circle, it must be moved to a new position, not the original position.
Later we'll consider the objection that the original position is not really social, but is the rational choice of one representative person.
During maintenance, it is not permitted to change the original position between the inlet and outlet on the common rail pipe and connection from pipe and pump at random.
The cursor is restored to its original position after a search and replace operation completes and is not canceled.
Because of the limitation in the projection Angle of the original support, the X-ray apparatus can not take photographs for patients in recumbent position.
The important thing is that the alarm does not stop if the person is scare with the sound of the alarm to go off and return the phone to the original position, as was happening.
In the original location or position, such as a large outcrop that has not been disturbed by faults or landslides.
First, because the comparison is conducted between the two surfaces, relative to the original surface, if the shape and position occurred minor differences, the above method could not work.
When the original image point multiply the transformation matrix, a new image position, the position may not integer, this position gray value by gray interpolation gain needed.
If the position of the feature points is stored in a database or in the file head of the watermarked image, the original image is not necessary for watermark detection.
If the position of the feature points is stored in a database or in the file head of the watermarked image, the original image is not necessary for watermark detection.