Weight - a well balanced little dog not to exceed 6 pounds.
You will have nevertheless to take care of not to exceed your limits.
The financial commitment to a district activity is not to exceed one year.
Try not to exceed the recommended weekly units of 21 for a man and 14 for a woman.
So we're still looking for eight pages, double spaced, but not to exceed 2,500 words.
Each run, this week than last week not to exceed 10%, is relatively safe and secure early way.
Recommended for close throttling and most all severe conditions, not to exceed the valve ratings.
We want to reasonable use of resources, not to exceed demand to increase the burden of environment.
Fill in the invoice date, should be careful not to exceed the date, otherwise will be postponed check.
The Lossy Weight Algorithm can output an approximate result whose error is guaranteed not to exceed a user-specified parameter.
The main measure in piling process is to control the inclination of the steel sheet piles on both sides of the gap not to exceed 0.2%.
施打过程中采取的主要措施是要控制合拢口两侧钢板桩的倾斜度,使其保持在0 .2 %以内。
Required: Prepare a short newspaper article, not to exceed two pages, explaining the results and conclusions of your study to the public.
How much should you stuff into your pack? That depends on your size and strength, but the rule of thumb is not to exceed 20% of your body weight.
Where such discharge is really necessary, the discharged gas or dust undergo purification treatment so as not to exceed the prescribed discharge norms.
When more than one feed opening is required, the flow rate of each feed inlet must be carefully adjusted so as not to exceed the total capacity of the conveyor.
All to ROHS standard, plating line with general international environmental protection standards, the lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium not to exceed bid.
All the ROHS standards, in conformity with the plating line with general international environmental standards, lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium not to exceed bid.
If we are unable to resolve any such dispute within a reasonable time (not to exceed thirty (30) days), then either party may submit such controversy or dispute to mediation.
The Commission is proposing to clarify when component part testing can be used and clarify which textile products have been determined not to exceed the allowable lead content limits.
Sprayable Energy's website recommends that users apply the spray in places where they normally spritz perfume, such as the neck or wrists, but warns users not to exceed 20 sprays a day.
The visa is valid for less than one calendar year (not to exceed the passport's expiration date). For self-supporting students, the period of validity is determined by the tuition paid.
Your MCM submission should consist of a 1 page Summary Sheet, a 1-2 page letter to the New Jersey Turnpike Authority, and your solution (not to exceed 20 pages) for a maximum of 23 pages.
Your MCM submission should consist of a 1 page Summary Sheet, a 1-2 page letter to the New Jersey Turnpike Authority, and your solution (not to exceed 20 pages) for a maximum of 23 pages.
您的MCM提交应包括1页摘要表,1 - 2页给新泽西州收费公路管理局的信件,以及您的解决方案(不超过20页),最多23页。
The goals of compliance should not be to reach the minimum requirements but to exceed them.
If the value is above or below warning levels but does not exceed critical limits, the state is set to warning.
Submissions must not exceed five pages. Contributors are encouraged to provide a summary of their comments, which must not exceed 500 words.
Submissions must not exceed five pages. Contributors are encouraged to provide a summary of their comments, which must not exceed 500 words.