Not to mention it cant be blocked, dodged, or parried.
Although nothing happened, he decided not to mention it to his wife.
Conquering envy in itself is difficult, not to mention it takes a long time to learn.
Not to mention it can spoil, meaning that you've actually lost money while trying to save.
Cate Blanchett, Jennifer Lopez, renee Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Jennifer Aniston might prefer you not to mention it.
While no one wants to think about death just when you're planning a new life, but the truth is I'd be remiss not to mention it.
As long as one is willing to put their own national, state and the cause of mankind, so, he would have nothing to lose, not to mention it.
I also mention in my book that when we use the OO paradigm, it is not easy to represent graphically at all times where our application is.
We think of this as an old person's migration, but it created many jobs for the young in construction and health care, not to mention tourism, retail and restaurants.
Conversely, many are falling into degradation. Few people can walk out of loneliness, not to mention enjoying it.
Not to mention the time, it takes a Lander to get to Mars from earth so something that big would take years to get there and might not even work when it did.
It was so common that people did not bother to mention it; whenever they used it in a paper they let it be understood.
We waste huge amounts of gas or electricity, not to mention money and time, trying to get heat to do things it can't do.
But in these days of environmental awareness, not to mention high energy prices, it seems a waste simply to throw the heat thus collected into the atmosphere.
To create an article like this takes serious effort, not to mention the hard-earned experience that’s required to write it.
When you write it down, the answer comes out easier, not to mention more accurate.
Yet the decision you make in this space will have a significant impact on your ability to deliver on time and on budget, not to mention how easy it will be to maintain your application.
The problem with glue is that it is inflexible, not to mention the time it takes to glue things together in the first place.
Not to mention how beautifully it would get us set up for widespread vehicle-to-grid systems.
The shirt may be on sale, but you’ll pay much more for cleaning costs, not to mention how long it will sit on the floor of the closet before you take a trip to the cleaners.
别看你现在打特价,到时候伺候你还不知道要费我多少银子呢。 再说了,这么名贵的衣服只适合压箱底,送进洗衣店前我肯定舍不得穿。
It was advisable for you not to mention that matter.
Reading and navigating a web page designed for the PC screen on a mobile device is annoying at least, not to mention the time it takes to load complete web pages into the mobile browser.
Pity the poor egg: it gets cracked, scrambled, and whipped-not to mention unfairly maligned as the villain of the breakfast world.
By tapping into Pfizer's network, DC's health department is benefiting from relationships that would have taken it years, not to mention thousands of dollars, to build.
For the honey bee is not just an essential part of the pollination system: it is a marvel of nature, not to mention one of the most sophisticated creatures on the planet.
For the honey bee is not just an essential part of the pollination system: it is a marvel of nature, not to mention one of the most sophisticated creatures on the planet.