However, some regions, notably Africa, are at risk of being left behind.
But in places where growth has been negative, notably Africa, it is well nigh impossible to eradicate slums. Even so, life for the urban poor can be improved.
As recently as 2005 the French parliament passed a law referring to the "positive role of the French presence overseas, notably in north Africa", a clause later removed after an outcry.
However, there are many other areas with water sources that contain high fluoride levels and which pose a risk to those drinking the water, notably parts of the rift valley in Africa.
Yet in some parts of the world, notably in Africa, great improvements in water supply are still needed.
There is the worry that an increase in the use of food crops such as maize, cassava and sorghum is likely to increase the food price of most staple foods in Africa, notably corn.
This is why China is still busily negotiating bilateral deals with commodity-rich nations, notably Iran and various countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
And Africa is becoming more "attractive". The voice of Africa is getting louder on the international stage, and Africa's standing and influence in the world are notably on the rise.
More and more, though, Indian oil firms are being urged to look farther afield for oil, notably to Saudi Arabia and west Africa (India is lobbying hard for new supplies from Angola).
Many countries, notably those in sub-Saharan Africa, lack.
There was only one last year, expressing "grave concern" about food supplies in the Sahel region of Africa, notably Niger.
The voice of Africa is getting louder on the international stage, and Africa's standing and influence in the world are notably on the rise.
The voice of Africa is getting louder on the international stage, and Africa's standing and influence in the world are notably on the rise.