Kao said she cautions against forming any generalizations based on any one of the studies, noting that more background characteristics of the students need to be studied and explained.
Noting that the rails and trucking companies used to be "mortal enemies," Lanigan said those days are over.
Noting that Obama has campaigned on the theme of change, McCain said Americans are distressed with many changes they now see, from high energy and food prices to job losses.
That said, Microsoft's drop below 70 percent is worth noting, but the news is more that people continue to use IE and something else.
"People want to sell on anything or buy on anything," she said, noting that light trading volume can exacerbate the market's gyrations.
"It's a game of wits and will," Mr. Bandurski said, noting that veteran journalists such as Mr. Wang are adept at finding ways to keep reporting, often by hopping from newspaper to newspaper.
“It could be that people who gossip a lot think they have social support, but they don’t actually, ” Dr. Cole said, noting that previous research shows people tend to dislike and mistrust gossips.
After the hearing, Sen. Dodd told reporters that the FDIC seems ready and able to implement the program, noting that Ms. Bair herself said that the FDIC already has sufficient resources.
Acer expects to sell models at different price increments, Mr. Agnihotry said, noting that customers are willing to pay more for features beyond what xp offers.
The prime minister’s lawyer has denied they were talking about his client, noting “Caesar” was said to be in Sicily when Mr Berlusconi was not.
The prime minister's lawyer has denied they were talking about his client, noting “Caesar” was said to be in Sicily when Mr Berlusconi was not.
'It looks fantastic, so nice to hold and play and touch,' he said, noting that the device is smaller than he expected.
"It's an extremely important community to us," she said, noting that in September the site received 21, 000 submissions.
“这对我们来说是一个极其重要的社群”,她说,并指出在9月份网站收到了21 000条提交。
"Women systematically underestimate themselves, " Sandberg said, noting that men typically attribute their success to themselves while a woman says, "So-and-so helped me."
桑德伯格说:“女人总是低估自己”。 她指出,男人通常将他们的成功归功于自身,而女人却常说:“某某和某某都对我有帮助”。
Finally, Benioff grabbed the iPad on his table and made a comment on Chatter, noting what he found interesting about what was being said and adding a joke to spice it up.
But family reunions also are popular, said Yesawich, noting that one out of five American vacationers traveled last year to attend a family reunion.
"This is the first report that exposure to ethyl benzene, a compound present in crude oil, was associated with CHD," McCarver said, noting that more studies are needed to confirm the link.
Davison said, noting that Malaysian architects continue to use the design.
"I can see this affecting a lot of working-class neighborhoods," he said, noting that many residents have dogs to deter break-ins and other property crimes.
"It doesn't mean we can change the rule immediately, " Weikert said, noting that 222 national associations would need to vote.
"To hit the target, some interns choose to bribe clients, or secretly offer commissions, " Dong said, noting the obvious ethical concerns raised by such actions.
The prime minister's lawyer has denied they were talking about his client, noting "Caesar" was said to be in Sicily when Mr Berlusconi was not.
"Ten years ago she said, 'you are losing your hair,'" he explained one recent afternoon, noting that there is much less now to cut.
"Ten years ago she said, 'you are losing your hair,'" he explained one recent afternoon, noting that there is much less now to cut.