In the Cage is a novella by Henry James, center on an unnamed London telegraphist.
The novella Yellow Mud Street was my first work, so it's not very mature.
So if there is any risk from cell phones, Novella says, it must be very small.
This is based off a Stephen King novella and stars Johnny Depp and John Turturro.
Tell me anything and everything you like…write me a fortune cookie or write me a novella.
Novella "No day heroes" by the Red Eagle in 2003 the Chinese Writers Prize for Literature.
He also reads the film's lovely narration, much of it drawn verbatim from King's 1982 novella.
Novella Carpenter's 2009 memoir, Farm City, trumpets the value of raising chickens, pigs and bees-in Oakland.
诺瓦拉·卡朋特(Novella Carpenter)在她2009年的回忆录《农场城市》中,对在奥克兰市养鸡、养猪、养蜜蜂的所带来的价值大加吹捧。
The novella is marked with distinct theme , far reaching meaning, and narrative techniques in particular.
The novella went on to win an armful of major sci-fi awards, and Chiang soon settled into a writing routine.
The Snows of Kilimanjaro is a novella, which describes a man's experience of the time when death is imminent.
The success of The Novella of Life is due to the realization of individual corresponding with social mentality.
The author attempts to interpret James' novella The Turn of the Screw from the perspective of cultural criticism.
Therefore, the subversions in the novella mainly have two functions:apocalyptic function and productive function.
Assisting him was Stephen King, a popular author who has written a novella that will be available only on the device.
In Stand by Me (adapted from a novella by Stephen King), a quartet of teens walk into the woods in search a dead body.
When he discovers the identity of Zinaida's lover, Turgenev's wonderful novella enters a new and complicated dimension. Wf.
Her novella Cranford was serialized in Household words-a periodical which was edited by Charles Dickens from 1851 to 1853.
Its plot reads like something out of a cyberpunk novella, which in and of itself, would probably make for interesting tech geek viewing.
Dostoyevsky wrote from experience; his novella "The Gambler" is thought to have been written to enable him to pay his gambling debts.
My novella, "May Flower" is based on this story. The story is also included in a collection called "Gentle Nights." I will not repeat it here.
Jean-Christophe Valtat's novella "03" (FSG) -again, somewhat neglected in america-was one of the most daring, and finally moving, narratives I read in 2010.
让-克里斯托夫·瓦尔塔特(Jean - Christophe Valtat)的中篇小说“03”-同样也是在美国被忽视的作品-是我在2010年阅读的最为敢言而且最终十分感人的一部故事叙述。
Buck Rogers' first adventure was described in Philip Francis Nowlan's novella, Armageddon - 2419 A.D., published in that famous issue of Amazing Stories.
Buck Rogers' first adventure was described in Philip Francis Nowlan's novella, Armageddon - 2419 A.D., published in that famous issue of Amazing Stories.