Disguising, especially the appearance that a woman disguised as a man was endless and to be a popular theme in the classical novels in the Qing dynasty.
Translated foreign novels in the late Qing dynasty, while introducing Western culture and thoughts, also had the features of Chinese classical novels.
In the late Qing Dynasty, the position of novel was greatly elevated and many foreign novels were translated and introduced into China.
There are three kinds of shapes of the tenses in the Utopia Novels of the later Qing Dynasty: the future past tense, the future perfect tense and the future continuous tense.
The fraud novel, which was an important genre of Chinese classical novels, originated in Tang dynasty and flourished in Ming or Qing dynasty.
In late Dynasty Qing, western novels and theories spread into China along with the invasiveness of solid ships and advanced cannons.
Romance as a term of style can both refer to novels in the Tang Dynasty and operas in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
Living Inferno is one of the influential denouncing novels of the late Qing dynasty while 1986 is the representative work of pioneering literature in the new era.
It has a positive meaning to Cantonese business study by analyzing the Cantonese Merchants 'images appeared in Qing Dynasty Novels.
It has different versions about the case 'Chun E Shi ' at the last of Qing Dynasty in files of judicature and the novels of record of actual events.
In the Qing Dynasty novels, the number of Nuns is not only the quantity, but also the character is complex, and the change between the former and the later don't significantly;
The comparison with Chinese-Western novels in late Dynasty Qing has strong efficacy, interest, and subjectivity…
The comparison with Chinese-Western novels in late Dynasty Qing has strong efficacy, interest, and subjectivity…