"Lily" as a masterpiece of Ru Zhi-juan is one of the rarely outstanding novels in recent seventeen years.
The paper has mainly inquired into the implication of cultural art of the Shandong novels, which have heroic theme during the Seventeen Years from three aspects.
In the History of the Chinese novel in the 20th Century, the first person narrative novels in seventeen years have an obvious character: the deflection from the part "I" to the narrator "I".
在中国2 0世纪小说史上,十七年第一人称小说具有一个鲜明的特征:角色“我”向叙述者“我”偏移。
In the History of the Chinese novel in the 20th Century, the first person narrative novels in seventeen years have an obvious character: the deflection from the part "I" to the narrator "I".
在中国2 0世纪小说史上,十七年第一人称小说具有一个鲜明的特征:角色“我”向叙述者“我”偏移。