Web browsers are a familiar user interface for novice users.
Is classified by two other subjects (perhaps the Background type and the Novice User role)?
按其他两个主题进行分类(可能是background类型和Novice User角色)?
While the DOH can be daunting for the novice user, it is a flexible and powerful unit testing framework.
Stopzilla, for example, is a very user friendly program constructed with the novice user in mind. stopzilla.
This search is well suited to a novice user or someone interested in browsing a basic category of information items.
For the particular market you are entering, if you told a novice user this single line as an answer to “What does it do?
For example, a competent user can understand more detailed information, whereas a novice user requires additional explanations.
This article is geared towards the novice user, but can be used by it architects and specialists already familiar with this architecture.
IBM Rational Performance tester is primarily an interactive GUI tester that enables even the novice user to perform load testing with ease.
We've geared the information for the novice user, but it can be useful for it architects and specialists already familiar with the DPF architecture.
我们已经为初学用户准备好了一些信息,但这些信息对于已经熟悉D PF架构的it架构师和专家也同样有用。
The credentials supplied for the novice user do not match any user currently logged on at the novice computer. Please choose the right user account to use.
A novice user running through a tutorial can get a simple tele-operated robot going in around ten minutes - either in a simulated environment, or the real world.
In November, we launched Fashion Your Firefox, which was a collection of add-ons that we felt were great for a novice user just getting started with customizing their browser.
You have to make compromises between client and user needs; business requirements and users; novice and expert users; functionality and simplicity.
A GUI provides an easy to use interface for the novice while the command line API is often preferred by the advanced user.
Beware, this is not for a novice SQL user!
Its user interface makes performance and tuning simple so that both novice and expert database administrators can use it. Performance expert can help you do the following.
Pros: Fixed release cycle and support period; novice-friendly; wealth of documentation, both official and user-contributed.
The Essentials roles contain a basic set of functionality that best suits a novice or occasional user.
If you are a novice statistical user, you can work with its friendly and simple menu-dialog.
Each user spends time as a novice, but only a short period of time relative to the amount of time he will eventually spend using the product.
Complicated tasks are broken down into small steps, guiding the novice or advanced user quickly to the solution.
For instance: the user interface look and feel is a guiding structure for novice testers.
It was written with the novice end-user in mind and is not intended to be a comprehensive survey of all Internet-based technologies.
It was written with the novice end-user in mind and is not intended to be a comprehensive survey of all Internet-based technologies.