I told my parents that I do not believe in feelings when now they wish me to study literature.
It has taken me 18 years and four children to believe him, and even now I think he just must be one of those rare men who is more interested in inner beauty.
Now they do better than me, but I believe that in the near future to defeat them.
Now here, hundreds of miles away from it all, Luke made me question it. Did I really believe in a God?
But I believe we have a window of opportunity now in the effort to repeal "don't ask, don't tell," and this has propelled me to go public with my experience.
Now they will only need to believe in one thing — Me... For I am a god.
I can't believe you're telling me this now in a candy store.
I believe there is a person who is just for me in the word at least now!
Now that you believe in me, and I will not let you down.
I don't believe in doing things by halves. I'm an actor now; let me become a great actor.
I now believe that a career in international relations will place me in a field that is both challenging and exciting.
If one day, you'll return to me. I will be so calm and I want to tell you that I don't believe in love anymore. From now on, I only depend on myself whether seas gone dry and rock melt.
I just can't do this anymore 'Cause we can't be mended, so let's stop pretending now we've been walking around in circles for some time And I think we should head for the finish line so believe me.
I just can't do this anymore 'Cause we can't be mended, so let's stop pretending now we've been walking around in circles for some time And I think we should head for the finish line so believe me.