There is little mobility between nuclear power generation station operators and other classic or alternative power generation station operators.
However, because nuclear power generation does not emit carbon, it is a clean and efficient way of producing the most important commodity around.
In recent years, India's rapid economic growth also brings shortage of power supply. Nuclear power generation has become the focus of India's power development.
The effect of recovered Japanese nuclear power generation capacity was compounded by milder winter weather in Northeast Asia, which reduced heating requirements.
With ever increasing crude, feedstock and operational costs, nuclear power generation will drive the next phase of energy affordability and availability to industries and households.
Just as Britain is about to embark on an ambitious programme to build a new generation of nuclear power stations, an old atomic relic offers a timely reminder of the risks.
But even if nuclear power plant construction costs rise as a result of this incident, the economics of power generation still favor a mix of energy sources that include nuclear.
The agency has forecast that by 2030 nuclear-power generation could increase by a quarter (using 2006 as a baseline) if all current plans go ahead, and 93% if "reasonable and promising projects" do.
China will start building its first large nuclear-power reactor with home-developed 'fourth generation' technology in 2012-13, a senior engineer involved in developing the system said.
中国原子能科学研究院实验快堆工程部总工程师徐说,2012- 2013年,中国将开始利用自主研发的“第四代”技术,建造中国首个大型核电反应堆。
Replacing the current generation of nuclear power stations when they reach the end of their lives is a tough decision. So is not replacing them.
Nuclear power made up 14% of the state's electricity generation in 2009, and several more reactors may be built, pending approval from the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Britain needs to increase its capacity for electricity generation because all but one of the country's nuclear facilities, and half of its coal power plants, are due to shut by 2023.
Iran says its nuclear program is aimed solely at power generation.
Domestic scientists also claimed a breakthrough in the development of a new generation of nuclear power plants.
For example, our cooperation in Galieo project, Airbus, nuclear power and the fourth-generation small scale nuclear technologies which king of Belgium mentioned to me this morning.
The association estimates that generation of nuclear power would rise by 20% between now and 2030, but the share of nuclear in electricity generation would fall from 14% to 11% during the same period.
Today coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear power plants dot the landscape, built relatively close to where power is needed. Most of the country’s solar generation would stand in the Southwest.
And due to concerns about waste disposal and proliferation, they also left out carbon-free electricity generation by nuclear power, which currently provides about 6 percent of world energy.
Nuclear power currently accounts for 16 percent of Russia’s electricity generation.
Britain's coal and nuclear plants together account for just under 45% of all power generation (see chart 2).
If nuclear power were phased out and renewables' share of generation rose dramatically, it calculates the average annual savings between 2004 and 2030 would be $180 billion.
Without nuclear power and with other fuels filling in its share pro rata, emissions from generation would have been about 11 billion tonnes.
Severe accidents prevention and mitigation is an important safety issue for new generation Nuclear Power Plant (NPP).
Severe accidents prevention and mitigation is an important safety issue for new generation Nuclear Power Plant (NPP).