Nucleate boiling heat transfer on a vertical cylindrical heated surface with a concentric outer tube was investigated when air was introduced into the boiling liquid.
Heat transfer of nucleate boiling of water and n-hexane in a vertical cylindrical annulus with inner side heated has been experimentally investigated.
A steady numerical simulation of the effect of nano-particles on nucleation sites in nucleate pool boiling heat transfer was conducted based on the experimental boiling curves.
The numerical results indicate that the nucleate boiling contribution to the overall heat transfer coefficients de-creases from 20% to 1% with quality increasing.
The heat transfer data of nucleate pool boiling on a smooth flat surface were measured in HC170/HFC23 system.
The experimental results show that in the pool nucleate boiling process the "effect of interfacial vaporization heat sink" obviously increases with the heat transfer flux.
The experimental results show that in the pool nucleate boiling process the "effect of interfacial vaporization heat sink" obviously increases with the heat transfer flux.