Other options are execl(2), which takes the parameters in individual arguments, or execvp(2), which also takes a null-terminated array of environment variables.
其他选项包括execl(2)(它单独接受各个参数)或execvp(2)(它也接受一个以 Null 结尾的环境变量数组)。
Execv (2) is one of the simpler ways to replace the current image, because it doesn't need information about the environment and it USES the null-terminated array.
No matter where it appears, an UpperFilters or LowerFilters value is of type REG_MULTI_SZ and can therefore contain one or more null-terminated Unicode string values.
Data type specification: the ability to tell the UI to display the data at a given address as a specific data type - for example, this address represents the start of a null-terminated string.
Data type specification: the ability to tell the UI to display the data at a given address as a specific data type - for example, this address represents the start of a null-terminated string.