By the mid-1980s the fertility rate-the average number of children born to a woman-dropped to 1.36.
It will significantly reduce the number of children born with serious abnormalities of the brain or spine and the associated disabilities.
The hostility is also fueled by the apparently correct belief that children born of illegal parents are a significant contributor to the total number of births in the United States.
The first children born under the one-child policy face the prospect of caring for an ever-increasing number of pensioners.
And the sheer number of children who were born before 40 weeks (but after 37 weeks) mean that they constitute a greater percentage of special education children.
Hertz-Picciotto and Delwiche correlated the number of cases of autism reported between 1990 and 2006 with birth records and excluded children not born in California.
Hertz - Picciotto和Lora Delwiche在研究中将1990年到2006年间,孤独症病例的数字与婴儿出生数联系起来,并且将非加州出生的儿童排除在外。
Since 1978, an increasing number of children, now approximately four million, have been born thanks to IVF.
This, coupled with a cultural preference for male offspring, has led to a significant imbalance between the number of male and female children born to its citizens.
A shockingly high number of children in the area have been born with all manner of birth defects.
Ministry policies like banning Muggle-born children from attending Hogwarts might reduce the number of Muggle alleles in wizarding society and thus increase the survival chances of magic as a trait.
Fertility, , measured by the average number of children that would be born to a woman over herlifetime, is declining across the world but the population continues to rise as rates remain high.
Fertility, measured by the average number of children that would be born to a woman over her lifetime, is declining across the world but the population continues to rise as rates remain high.
In 2010, the male deaths population of Longchuan city caused by AIDS was 460 persons, the female was 400 persons, the reduce number of new-children born was 107 persons.
Among those who had stayed with one partner during their reproductive lives, they found that the peak number of children was born to women with partners four years older than themselves.
Among those who had stayed with one partner during their reproductive lives, they found that the peak number of children was born to women with partners four years older than themselves.