Password must contain Numbers and symbols.
Hint: Use upper and lower case characters, Numbers and symbols like!
Engineer C: Oh, don't forget that machine-controlled units can understand the letters, numbers and symbols.
The next thing I know, all these Numbers and symbols show up and I get an error message saying 'invalid file format' or something.
For example, the notation that mathematicians use is a formal language that is particularly good at denoting relationships among Numbers and symbols.
When I was a freshman in college, I also believe Math was a mere abstraction. Study it was like falling into a spinning abyss of Numbers and symbols.
If time and money is no problem, they can use brute-force methods that simply try every combination of letters, Numbers and symbols until a match is found.
If time and money is no problem, they can use brute -force methods that simply try every combination of letters, Numbers and symbols until a match is found.
Bar code is one kind of sign composed regularly with a group of bars and Spaces, which is used to represent the combination information of characters, Numbers and symbols.
Gamers commonly substitute numbers and symbols for the letters, Morse says, creating what they call "l33t speak" — that's "leet" when spoken, short for "elite" to the rest of the world.
When creating a password, ensure you use a mixture of Numbers, letters or symbols and avoid using personal information, sequences or repetition, as these passwords are easier to hack.
You can tailor the passwords to be memorable or secure, and you can specify whether to include Numbers, symbols, vowels, and capital letters.
Further, rather than use arcane symbols and Numbers, modern UNIX systems use tput to look up and emit escapes by name or purpose.
Then use numbers, symbols and mixed-case letters to recreate it: “2bon2bT1tq” is a password with quadrillions of variations.
Technically speaking, a regular expression is a string (that is, a sequence of characters composed of letters, Numbers, and symbols) that represents a pattern defining zero or more strings.
When preschool children see symbols such as Numbers and letters, they perceive them in parts.
Requiring that passwords include Numbers, symbols, and mixed cases significantly increases the number of possible passwords.
To improve security, some Web sites are forcing users to mix letters, numbers and even symbols in their passwords.
First, we have to distinguish the difference between numbers and the symbols we use to represent numbers.
Engineer b: Yes, these instructions are like Numbers, letters and symbols.
Examples include product codes, such as the Global Trade Identification number (GTIN), ticker symbols, and bar code Numbers.
业务标识符的例子包括产品代码,例如globalTrade IdentificationNumber (GTIN),股票代号和条形码编号。
Password length should be at least greater than 8 bits, including alphanumeric and symbols, do not use pure Numbers.
Drawings will also include the material part Numbers, tolerances clearances, surface machining symbols, heat treatment information, surface protection, material weight and other necessary information.
The least hackable password, then, would be a long string of completely random letters, numbers, spaces and symbols – but you'd never remember it.
The participants also were given a flashcard-like exercise using symbols and numbers.
In my opinion the aspect symbols are telling us to measure distances and not to divide the circle by Numbers.
They consist of two or three lines of Numbers, letters, and sometimes symbols.
The second kind of word is a "homophone" -it's created by combining letters and symbols, or Numbers, to sound like other words.
Perhaps this is why people have generally settled upon digital symbols for representing Numbers, especially whole Numbers and integers, which find the most application in everyday life.
Perhaps this is why people have generally settled upon digital symbols for representing Numbers, especially whole Numbers and integers, which find the most application in everyday life.