Numerical solution is given to mathematical model of formation temperature field by full implicit finite difference method.
A numerical approach based on finite difference time domain (FDTD) method was presented for investigating the diffraction effect of a metal grating fabricated in QWIP.
The paper predicts the changing tendency of groundwater resource in Changma alluvial fan by numerical modeling, applying the method of finite difference and irregular polygon cells.
Solving integral equations of supercavitating flow based on the finite difference time discretization method, some numerical results are obtained.
In this paper, an integrated finite difference method (IFDM) for numerical analysis of transient coupled heat and moisture flow in unsaturated soils is described.
This article discusses the suitability of using Direct Finite Difference Method for numerical simulation of solidification.
Therefore, the Direct Finite Difference Method is regarded as a promising method of numerical simulation of solidification.
This paper presents a numerical calculation with finite difference method for supersonic flow of ideal gas over bent cones.
This paper describes the three dimensional numerical analysis of current gain for the lateral transistor with multiple collectors by using the finite difference method.
The mathematic model for the transportation phenomenon of thin film evaporation basedon microfin tubes, as well as its finite difference numerical method, was conducted.
Applying the finite difference method, the numerical simulation of the surface charge density of a finite conductor stick is presented.
The numerical solution of the governing equations, pertaining to one-dimensional unsteady gas dynamics, utilizes an implicit finite-difference scheme combined with the method of characteristics.
The temperature field and thermal camber of the roll are made in numerical simulation by finite difference method and the calculation values coincide better with the measured values.
A numerical model for simulating the temperature field of titanium melted in induction furnace with a water cooled copper crucible has been developed by using the direct finite difference method.
Using finite difference method, we carry out the numerical calculation of the electric field induced by a low frequency magnetic field in a two dimensional stratified biological medium.
By using a full-hidden finite difference method a numerical calculation was conducted of the above-cited model.
The explicit finite difference method is used to perform numerical prediction of freezing time of slab shape food in this paper.
This paper deals with the use of the curved finite difference scheme and two-step numerical integration method to solve the vibration problem of thin plates.
The high accuracy of the differentiator has been demonstrated through comparisons with numerical results computed by staggered-grid finite difference method.
The finite difference method (FDM) is used in the numerical calculation. Fielddistribution at particular time and field at one point as a function of time are displayed.
A numerical solutions of quasi-two-dimensional unsteady flow of non-Newton fluid in the arterial pipe system is obtained by finite difference method.
The finite difference schemes of the seepage mathematical model are obtained by the finite difference method; and the numerical simulation software is developed.
A numerical model was established for analysis of their effects, and the problems were solved by use of finite difference method.
To improve the accuracy of the numerical evaluation through the 3D finite difference method, the surface boundary conditions are added to modifying the old program.
A 2-d tidal flow mathematical model of Xinghua Bay based on irregular triangular grid finite difference method was set up and numerical simulation of tidal flow field was carried out.
To describe the non-equilibrium phenomenon in metal thin film radiated by femtosecond laser, numerical simulation for temperature field of metal film was performed by finite-difference method.
Attention is focused on a new method to reduce the numerical dispersion of the 3-d Alternating-Direction Implicit Finite-Difference Time-Domain (ADI-FDTD) method through artificial anisotropy.
该文研究一种减小三维交替方向隐式时域有限差分法(ADI - FDTD)数值色散的新方法。
Attention is focused on a new method to reduce the numerical dispersion of the 3-d Alternating-Direction Implicit Finite-Difference Time-Domain (ADI-FDTD) method through artificial anisotropy.
该文研究一种减小三维交替方向隐式时域有限差分法(ADI - FDTD)数值色散的新方法。