The platform includes a flexible new animation framework that lets developers easily animate the properties of UI elements such as Views, Widgets, Fragments, Drawables, or any arbitrary object.
This lets you write XML fragments from individual object nodes — including from the root node of the XML instance.
AOP or Aspect Oriented Programming allows developers to "weave" code fragments through their object and methods without explicitly placing the code in the class's source.
It USES any comment data stored in the node object to theme the content fragments required before storing these back in the node object.
If the ices had been rapidly vaporized by an impacting object, the expanding gases might have helped the ejected fragments reach escape velocity.
Object: By distant hybridization we can transmit the chromosome's fragments or genes from the related species of wheat into t.
Elliptical curves or fragments of such curves emerged in many industrial applications, Ellipsedetection is therefore a powerful method of cuing into these specific geometric object models.
Study on infrared radiation spectrum of spatial object is valuable for spatial security such as detecting spatial objects, monitoring spatial fragments, ensuring safety of satellites.
Breaking any object and then animate the fragments manually is a tedious task specially when there are lots of fragments and getting realism on such animations also a difficult task.
Breaking any object and then animate the fragments manually is a tedious task specially when there are lots of fragments and getting realism on such animations also a difficult task.