The one thing I don't think people have wrapped their heads around is MagLev provides a "single object space".
The whole object space is divided into a three equal rectangular spaces, while the central part is atrium.
First, create an object for the db2sysc process as a file resource in the TAMOS object space, as shown in Listing 10.
The object space axes of all hololenses in the HOE are the same, while each optical axis in the image space is different.
Conclusion the dwell time, object size and object space are all important to optimize the HCI design based on eye tracking.
In cross sectional imaging measurement system, there is complex nonlinear mapping between the object space and image space.
We can then add ACLs at appropriate locations in the object space, and add users or groups to those ACLs to define the available permissions.
Tivoli Access Manager provides the ability to define a protected object space and add ACLs to the objects at any location in the object hierarchy.
There is complex nonlinear mapping between the object space and image space due to many factors in cross-sectional imaging measurement system.
An object space normal map only looks at the orientation of the entire model it's applied on to calculate the per pixel directions on it's surface.
Theoretical analysis and calculation are given in this paper for "conical scanning" in object space. Its practicability in multispectral scanner is discussed.
According to the image data possessed, the formation model of equivalent line central projection is adopted to establish the correspondence between image and object space.
The variational momentum of the zero position is that the sighting line of object space changing quantity after the fire, is the quantitative evaluation target of the optic aiming device.
When an object space normal map tells a face it's supposed to receive light coming from the left of the object it will always do so, even if the face is pointing away from the light source.
If the CFL should be used for lighting a particular space, or an object within that space, the fixture must be designed to work with that lamp, and the fixture with the room.
What is the coldest object in space?
In its crudest form, any object can become a space weapon if directed into the path of a satellite.
Allocates space for the object.
Determining where a distant object lies in space takes a bit of work, because the universe lacks clear distance markers.
While it's difficult to visualize a five-dimensional object in our three-dimensional space, black strings would be cylindrical, researchers said.
Reserve space in object names for a class-of-service qualifier.
When you move an object on SSD, if insufficient space exists on SSD, only part of the object will end up on SSD.
The images gave the Rosetta team a chance to calibrate its instruments on a real space object to make sure everything was in working order.
This results in a "flat heap", where the entire heap space is available for transient object allocation rather than just the nursery space.
For a process to use a Shared memory object, the process has to map the object in its address space.
Perhaps they object, not to the space race, but to America winning it, just as many of them oppose, not our intervention in Vietnam, but our choice of sides.
You are presented with two object restore options, table space or the entire database.
Finally, there's a structure to manage the actual data for the object that is represented by an address space object.
The greater the empty space, the more power an object within it gains.
The registry is an Object that lives in the global space at dijit.registry_hash.
注册表是一个存在于 dijit.registry_hash中的全局空间的一个Object。