Employing the characteristic values of the oblique flows, the navigation flow condition and optimized improvement measures are analysed.
Because of the oblique flow, the ships are distorted, intensively shaken and bumpily deviated, finally, will offset the navigation's channel.
The factors related to the oblique flow, such as pressure difference, pressure and velocity gradients and the parameter of Ogee surface are also analysed.
It usually works in the oblique flow, and its blades come into and out of the water surface, therefore vertical forces are generated as the propeller rotates.
Depending on the principle of the transverse force of propellers produced in oblique flow, this paper acquires the overall transverse force of propellers after rudders.
This design system is suitable for the high speed ship with oblique flow and fat ship with the highly non-uniform flow field, and it is very valuable in the practical application.
Some foreign geologists put forward the superposed mechanism of oblique flow buckle fold and the hinge migration of early fold during refloding and four standard modes of superposed buckling.
Because of the influence of the hull, the stern propeller of a twin-screw vessel is working under condition of oblique flow, and the unsteady working condition of the blade of a propeller is created.
Because nozzle shape with oblique cut models is asymmetric, the disturbance produced at the exit of nozzle is reflected on the longer side and causes shock waves in the inner flow.
Because nozzle shape with oblique cut models is asymmetric, the disturbance produced at the exit of nozzle is reflected on the longer side and causes shock waves in the inner flow.