It can be reported each time the subscriber's E-mail activities, demonstrating the need for the number of mail and harmful flow occupied bandwidth.
Compression - Method of reducing the bandwidth or bits needed to encode information. Typically used in cable to place more channels in the bandwidth originally occupied by one channel.
The course of their work in graphics, Z buffer, frame buffer and texture buffer memory bandwidth will be substantially occupied resources.
Time, bandwidth and memory resources are occupied to result in the link block as well as the deluge of unhealthy messages.
The essence of speech compression is to reduce the rate of digital voice in the case of assuring the quality of voice, therefore reducing the bandwidth occupied by speech signal.
Typically used in cable to place more channels in the bandwidth originally occupied by one channel.
Large amounts of communication bandwidth and memory space is occupied to transmit and store digital hologram on account of its enormous data volume.
Large amounts of communication bandwidth and memory space is occupied to transmit and store digital hologram on account of its enormous data volume.