The Gaza disengagement in 2005 broke a taboo on removing Israeli settlements from the occupied territories.
Both sides refused to give any ground on the contentious issue of Israeli settlement building in the occupied territories.
Israel and the pa, for example, long ago signed a "road map" that included a demand for Israel to stop expanding its settlements in the occupied territories.
In particular, he mentioned a need to give back "all or nearly all" of the occupied territories and to let the Palestinians have their capital in Jerusalem, on its east side.
None but a select few from the occupied territories can visit Israel, and Palestinians who live in Israel are finding it increasingly difficult to visit the territories.
"If the Israeli government fails to renew and adhere to a full settlement freeze in the occupied territories, it would have turned its back on the path of peace," said Zomlot.
More than 30 top Palestinlan leaders from the occupied territories said Monday the PLO must be involved in IsraeliPalestinian peace talks, a move Israel has consistently opposed.
The psychological impact of military service on women is undeniable, according to the testimonies of Michelzon and others, particularly those who serve in the occupied territories.
Long marginalised as a rather stranded little community, they have seldom received much international attention compared with the 4.1m Palestinians who live in the occupied territories.
Shaath criticised Obama's speech for failing to address what he said was the primary obstacle to peace negotiations: the continued construction of Jewish settlements in the occupied territories.
MOST writing by Palestinians for the foreign reader depicts them either as hapless residents of the territories that Israel occupied in 1967 or as scattered refugees.
The remaining two thirds of Greece was occupied by Italy, with the Ionian Islands directly administered as Italian territories.
The remaining two thirds of Greece was occupied by Italy, with the Ionian Islands directly administered as Italian territories.