The masculine 9 years, the feminine 10 annual mean lives occupy the world leader continuously continuously.
One of the marvelous little wrinkles of the quantum world is a condition known as superposition, in which a particle can occupy two states at the same time.
We no longer occupy the same space, but I remind myself that we still occupy the same world.
We are all living in a sound bite world which has made us the most impatient people ever to occupy this planet.
The guest’s name — never mind what position he or she might occupy in the larger world — is rarely listed on the sheet.
So in this honor/shame system of the ancient world, this is also an important point: male heads of household occupy the position of honor.
"There is no world we both occupy at the same time," he wrote.
There are plenty of world events to occupy your mind, and if you follow the news you will surely admit to there being a lot of unrest.
Sometimes it seems that earthquakes are increasing in frequency because, as instrumentation improves and more people occupy more parts of the world, more quakes make the news.
It will go a long way toward helping you understand the world that we occupy, and it is a world you are to be swiftly moved into.
Acknowledge that the space you occupy in this world is in exact ratio to the quantity and quality of the service you render for the benefice of others, plus the mental attitude in which you render it.
In the present world media, periodicals occupy a special position.
When the sword is a not sharp weapon to conquer the world any more, wealth and to sparse lack the resources occupy, becoming to measure life highly unique standard then.
And master it, to make a living, to money, the world is and how many people occupy the time it was frustrating?
Natural rubber is a kind of world large quantity industrial raw material, among which tire enterprises occupy the majority consumption of natural rubber.
But people who have studied the issue say they have been surprised by the number of episodes, given that Asian-American fraternities occupy just a small corner of the collegiate Greek world.
There are few people who think they can stay in the world without the love from their family and freinds even though they occupy the huge wealth and the highest status.
The world is full of desirable situations, but, unfortunately, we can occupy but one at a time.
Today, we have a variety of new products on the market in the world occupy the market share.
Morality and moral education are belittled and even ignored as a result of the notion that they can't conquer the world and occupy material benefits.
The products occupy sizable market at home and also have been expanded to all over the world.
Ancient building structures of China occupy important position in the world building history.
What place does the theoretical physicist's picture of the world occupy among all these possible pictures?
And our products occupy sizable market share at home and find a good sale all over the world.
According to Stat. : The planting area of rice in our country occupy 28.9% of it in the world . The overall output occupy primacy in all foodstuff.
Chinese arts are the highlights of human wisdom and creations. They occupy the important places in the history of world civilizations.
The products of single pieces of small serial production occupy about 70% of the products in the whole world, and the condition in China is the same.
Our country coal resources are very abundance. Coal output and consumption occupy first place in the world, which occupying about 85% in the internal primary energy produces and consumption.
Currently, the output capacity of frozen convenient food has already exceeded Italy to occupy the first of the world.
Currently, the output capacity of frozen convenient food has already exceeded Italy to occupy the first of the world.