Months or years later, the young fish start their trip to the ocean.
Once there were regularly scheduled airlines, it became impractical to make a business trip by ocean liner.
DNA is a sturdy molecule, so samples of fish taken anywhere along the trip from ocean to fork can be tested.
But it was more than just a trip across the ocean for the young American.
His dream trip would be a cruise across the Atlantic Ocean.
Ni Hao, a ginger and white kitten, was discovered breathing shallowly in a limp ball after a two-week trip across the Pacific Ocean.
Thee man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous.
这个人想要飞往大西洋上的一个孤岛岛-- 罗卡尔岛,弗西特机长之所以不送他去,是因为那段飞行太危险了。
Mostly it centered around a trip to the La Push Ocean Park in two weeks that Mike was putting together.
The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous.
It became impractical to make a business trip by ocean liner.
Mason decided to cross the Atlantic Ocean as a trip.
CLEVELAND - A scrawny, black and white female kitten has apparently survived a trip across the Pacific Ocean and North America inside a shipping crate.
The athletes from five continents gathered happily together, with strength to witness a 15-day Olympic trip, erected a love of the ocean.
Nothing beat our trip out to the ocean on a catamaran this time… where we sailed freely with the winds into the open sea agai ta double rai ow.
The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous.
The man wanted to fly to Rockwall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous.
Our most up-to-date attraction. Come with us a "virtual reality" trip to the ocean floor and see some of the strangest fish in the world.
The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous.
这个人想要飞往大西洋上的一个孤岛 -- 罗卡尔岛,弗西特机长之所以不送他去,是因为那段飞行太危险了。
The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, but Captain Fawcett did not take him because the trip was too dangerous.
这个人想要飞往大西洋上的一个孤岛 -- 罗卡尔岛,弗西特机长之所以不送他去,是因为那段飞行太危险了。