Ocean acidification is often called the twin of climate change.
It is also thought to have seen a period of ocean acidification.
These are the first CO2 vents to be used to study ocean acidification.
Ocean acidification is one of many [stressors] that our Marine environments are contending with right now.
Many of the world's coral reefs are threatened by ocean acidification and pollution, among other things.
There will be some winners and losers, says Doney, as the effects of growing ocean acidification are felt.
But the research also suggests damage caused by ocean acidification could ripple across economies around the world.
Many species are unlikely to genetically adapt to ocean acidification, because the change is occurring too quickly.
Professor Hoegh-Guldberg has blamed water pollution, over-fishing, increased ocean acidification and rising temperatures.
豪厄格 -古尔伯格教授认为水质污染,过度捕捞,海洋酸化和温度上升是主要原因。
Known or probable damage includes ocean acidification, loss of rain forests, degradation of ecosystems, and desertification.
Ocean acidification has further chemical implications: more hydrogen ions mean more bicarbonate ions, and fewer carbonate ions.
Experiments that add iron to the sea have had mixed success, though, and may cause harmful algal blooms and ocean acidification.
In the years following Columbia's stewardship, ocean acidification has become one of the most troubling effects of climate change.
A new study from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts shows that ocean acidification is becoming a very serious problem.
Rising ocean temperatures, water pollution, ocean acidification and cyclones continually pummel the reef and have caused mass coral bleaching.
Washington, DC: Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions arecausing ocean acidification to progress at an unprecedented rate, a newAmerican research has found.
By disrupting processes as fundamental as growth and reproduction, ocean acidification threatens the animals' health and even the survival of species.
They are part of the European Project on Ocean Acidification (EPOCA), an initiative employing over 100 researchers, more than 30 currently in the Arctic.
The oceanographer told delegates that the problem of ocean acidification was worse in high latitudes, in the Arctic and around Antarctica, than it was nearer the equator.
Whether it's rising sea levels, desertification, torrential monsoons, melting glaciers or ocean acidification, climate change is rapidly altering the landscape of our planet.
As with climate change - which has already thawed permafrost, melted sea ice, and shrunk glaciers in Alaska - carbon-caused ocean acidification will likely hit home here first.
The Great Barrier Reef, Ningaloo Reef, and Papua New Guinea, Coral Sea Dreaming - Awaken is a celebration of reefs now under threat of climate change and ocean acidification.
Reefs may also face damage from ocean acidification, an effect of higher CO2 levels rather than of warming, as may other ecosystems, though the size of the impacts is uncertain.
However, different echinoderm species respond to ocean acidification in different ways, and the effects of rising temperatures can be as significant as those of rising carbon dioxide.
Rapid glacier-melt, sea-level rise and ocean acidification will become complex problems, Steiner says, in a world whose population is expected to grow to nine billion people by 2050.
As a result of pollution, climate change, overfishing and ocean acidification, one-quarter of global reef cover has been lost in the last 50 years and one-third of reef species are endangered.
As a result of pollution, climate change, overfishing and ocean acidification, one-quarter of global reef cover has been lost in the last 50 years and one-third of reef species are endangered.