Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disorder of neuromuscular transmission, usually recognized with ocular complaints or generalized muscle weakness.
The most common rupture location is superior limbus(45%), then temporary, nasal limbus and sclera posterior ocular muscle insertion 15%, respectively.
眼球破裂伤的常见部位是上方角膜缘(占45 % ) ,颞侧、鼻侧角膜缘和肌止点后巩膜(各占15 % )。
In cases with the absence of extraocular muscle, only could a very thin reflective echo be detected at the ocular anterior segment by UBM.
Observation of ocular muscle in concomitant strabismus of 11 cases and unconcomitantstrabismus of 10 cases was made by scanning electron microscopy.
As for non-traumatic paralysis of extravenous ocular muscle, peribulbar injection can also be an option.
As for non-traumatic paralysis of extravenous ocular muscle, peribulbar injection can also be an option.