The Food Standards Authority (FSA) has issued a public warning about the risks of a compound called acrylamide that forms in some foods cooked at high temperatures.
The Food Standards Authority (FSA) has issued a public warning about the risks of a compound called acrylamide that forms in some foods cooked at high temperatures.
Now researchers have developed a similar-style early warning system for the public health of an entire region.
FIVE years ago, Britain's newly appointed information commissioner, Richard Thomas, gave warning that the public was in danger of "sleepwalking into a surveillance society".
"Targeted by Foreign Money? Japan's Forests for Sale," was the warning title of a news program this month by the public broadcaster, NHK.
They have helped fund or start a series of initiatives to address the warning signs and treatment of depression, as well as art scholarships and public educational symposiums.
The panel recommended a general warning, such as "Alcohol is not good for your health", be placed on labels as part of a wider national public health campaign.
A generic alcohol warning message be placed on alcohol labels as part of a national campaign targeting the public health problems associated with alcohol.
The death penalty remains an iconic form of punishment in China, where executions are used as a public warning. Sentencing is broadcast on national television.
Shaanxi has reported several cases of rabies, with the provincial public health authority issuing a warning about the disease, the xi 'an Daily reported.
According to Swedish scientists, quoted in the British Journal of Sports Medicine recently, pro longed sitting should carry a public health warning.
San Diego was, at a minimum, suggesting that its public prepare for hours of an outage, but in that the Sun was up for hours after the grid failure, such a warning seems extreme.
If the last day of the period is a public holiday or a gale warning day i. e. tropical cyclone warning signal no. 8 or above is in force, the period shall include the next normal working day.
With the number of various types of Forex frauds recently unveiled by the NFA, CFTC and SEC it's about time the regulator issued a decent warning to the public.
由于近期NFA,CFTC及SEC 查出多起外汇欺诈案件,监管机构现在有很大必要出台正式文件警告公众。
T4. An early warning system for earthquakes would require a major campaign of public education. Then, another problem is the possibility of false alarms.
According gto Public Security Administration Punishments Law, anyone found posing a safety threat on or near railroad tracks faces an official warning and a maximum fine of 200 yuan ($30).
The purpose of publishing a Cautionary Notice is to inform the public about the registration and claim to ownership and warning against the potential infringement.
Increased awareness of possible warning signs of cancer, among physicians, nurses and other health care providers as well as among the general public, can have a great impact on the disease.
Then in June of 2010 NASA reinforces their original 2006 warning telling the public to get ready for a once in a lifetime solar storm.
Local media reported the loss of trucks incident, the police quickly received a public warning, found the stolen vehicle.
It is also a warning, the seemingly amoral goal of international standardization is in fact a shield behind which less public-spirited interests may seek their own ends.
To the issues of online public opinions pre-warning, this paper proposed a pre-warning method based on intuitionistic fuzzy reasoning.
To the issues of online public opinions pre-warning, this paper proposed a pre-warning method based on intuitionistic fuzzy reasoning.