There is a natural kinship of hearts and minds: its effects are such that vulgar ignorance scents witchcraft.
The story captured the hearts and minds of a generation.
Mickey Mouse and his bosses at Walt Disney face another challenge: to win the hearts and minds of the nation's booming middle class.
It starts with a change in attitudes - a broadening of our minds, and a broadening of our hearts.
On the question of love's existence in the hearts and minds of animals, science has been mainly mute.
I will write, paint and perform in hopes of finding alternative ways to reach the hearts and minds of the human race when it comes to AIDS education.
It will explore the hearts and the minds of the wealthy, not just their financial plans.
Or perhaps there's another way for cinema to continue to guide hearts and minds on some of the key issues of our day?
She recently began feeding commercially available chocolate rich in polyphenols, a class of natural antioxidants, to treat inflammation ravaging the hearts and minds of mice.
It is a friendship rooted in the hearts and minds of the people of the two countries.
Manny Ramirez and his dreadlocks have a lock on L.A. Dodgers' fans' hearts and minds, and are a shoo-in for the Baseball Hall of Fame.
The most simple way is to focus our minds and hearts on a word or picture that reminds us of God.
Over several years, Americans have been training their counterparts in these countries in everything from marksmanship and parachuting to the more touchy-feely stuff of winning over hearts and minds.
Now Mickey Mouse and his bosses at Walt Disney face another challenge: to win the hearts and minds of the nation's booming middle class.
Volunteers use their hands, minds, knowledge and loving hearts to organize all kinds of caring activities, to assist those who are in times of difficulty and crisis.
The peace of God must quiet our minds and rest our hearts.
When we look critically at the many thoughts and feelings that fill our minds and hearts, we may come to the horrifying discovery that we often choose death instead of life, curse instead of blessing.
But a lot of the people whose hearts and minds the West is trying to win over in Afghanistan will hedge their bets until they are sure the outsiders are staying long enough to be counted on.
It's the combination of that technical strength with compelling business benefits that is winning the hearts and minds-and budgets-of the CIOs, it directors and executive management teams as well.
In its battle with Mr Chavez for the hearts and minds of Latin Americans, the United States sometimes undermines its own best efforts at being a good neighbour.
Second, being perceived as a lawbreaker hurt America at a time when winning hearts and minds was a security issue, not just a project of soft power.
Most important of all, he thoroughly understood the hearts and minds of his people.
But ultimately the new definition of manhood will emerge from the minds and hearts of our sons as they grow and develop.
There was a time before the iPod too, when companies like HP, Samsung, and even Microsoft fought against Apple for the hearts and minds of the consumer — but I'll be damned if anyone can remember it.
There was a time before the iPod too, when companies like HP, Samsung, and even Microsoft fought against Apple for the hearts and minds of the consumer — but I'll be damned if anyone can remember it.