To learn and grasp this heritage is not only practical but also of historic significance.
This gathering was of historic significance, demonstrating that Hogg's spirit of internationalism would last forever.
Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz said in his remarks that the establishment of Cuba-China relations is of historic significance.
The successful hosting of the first Youth Olympic Games will be of historic significance for the world Olympics.
Many major events of historic significance have taken place in China from the summer of 2001 to the first half of 2002.
Today should really be remembered as a day of historic significance when China completely succeeded in its first manned space flight.
Experts point out that this is the first-ever celebrity or historical figure from the body of carbon extract the jewel of historic significance.
From the standpoint of summarizing the experience of China's modern satirical comedy, Chen Baichen's satirical comedy is of historic significance.
History record "is a magnum opus of historic significance, is also a rare literary works, it has strong artistic appeal, it reappears actual history."
Because of its contribution to the 19~ th -Century American Renaissance, Emerson's theory of creation has been considered to be of historic significance.
The Postmaster said this novel way of sending birthday cards, pen pal letters, and unwanted junk mail was "of historic significance to the peoples of the entire world."
The sector of fashionable characters specially sketches out images of persons surfing on time tide, making this book both of historic significance and academic value.
In short, the three aspects of objective historical facts, historical knowledge and the language expressing history constitute the apparent forms of historic significance.
Inexplicably, she was not aware of the historic significance of the day.
To declare the establishment of comprehensive strategic partnership between both sides is of great historic significance and opens broad prospect for the future of bilateral relations.
No matter where you travel on Maui you are sure to find points of historic and cultural significance.
Its historic significance consists is, in objective dimension, from deep dispelling and dividing the individual subject, object consciously emerges the essential validity of the subject of body.
The article, based on the classification and analysis of these issues, tries to examine Chekhov's views on women, reproduce the historic value and find out the practical significance.
That periodical editors establish their consciousness of language standardization has decisive immediate significance and profound historic significance.
The primary goal is to preserve the significance and integrity of Americas historic roadways while allowing for sensitive implementation of contemporary safety standards.
Mr. A illustrated the practical and historic significance of having these potholes filled.
Young people today are too dependent upon digital language input system and thus neglect the significance of understanding the aesthetic, historic and cultural value of Chinese characters.
Perhaps we are only vaguely aware of the historic significance of this flight .
For some observers, the struggle over the fate of the people here has a broader significance; it is a clash over the character of historic sites and the meaning of preservation.
For some observers, the struggle over the fate of the people here has a broader significance; it is a clash over the character of historic sites and the meaning of preservation.