Have a Merry Christmas full of LOVE and PEACE!
And the God of love and peace will be with you.
Thanks for your fine works of love and peace and hope.
This is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion.
God's presence of love and peace continues to invade us at a higher level.
I didn't choose to be born, but I wanna built a world full of love and peace.
This is picturing disclosure and freeing of the mind in a new light of love and peace.
Youve swayed my life so deeply. Youre still my best teacher. Far across the miles, sending you wishes of love and peace on Teachers Day.
Each year, touring groups are invited to give performances overseas, spreading the message of love and peace to other parts of the world.
You, little children, put God in the first place in your life. God will bless you and give you strength to bear witness to Him, the God of love and peace.
Your purpose is to bring peace, joy and unconditional love to all of humanity, beginning with yourself.
Joy, happiness, and fulfillment are found in the invisible things of life: love, hope, peace, and relationships.
THE PRESIDENT: Because this is the season when we celebrate the simplest yet most profound gift of all: the birth of a child who devoted his life to a message of peace, love, and redemption.
But he slowly began to love the subversive peace and creativity of painting, and then sculpture.
I sincerely ask you to keep a spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness and to love peace and neighbours in difficulty.
我衷心希望各位秉承和解与宽容的信念,热爱和平以及处于困境中的邻国。 这是我丈夫的心愿。
The peoples of the six countries that you represent need, aspire for and love peace, so do the peoples of the whole world.
For a very long time, folded-paper cranes have been symbols of peace and love.
Embrace as a new level of your inner being, your Divine Self, the one that beholds new Harmony, Joy, Peace and Love for your own life and for the Earth.
Give love, peace, joy, wisdom, and all the blessings of life to the other, until there is no sting left in your mind.
If you are trying to send a message of peace and love, don't start attacking your readers in the comments.
For most of us, the purpose of the holidays is to bring peace, love,and goodwill towards all. Yet, for many, the holiday season often meansstress, fatigue, pressure, disappointment and loneliness。
1Tim 4:12 So "Flee the evil desires of youth, andpursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who callon the Lord out of a pure heart." 2Tim 2:22
1Tim 4:12 So "Flee the evil desires of youth, andpursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who callon the Lord out of a pure heart." 2Tim 2:22