People in earlier eras were surrounded by reminders of misery.
They were sickened by the scenes of misery and degradation they found.
Their lives were filled with untold suffering.; They lived in an abyss of misery.
Forty-five years of misery is enough!
Conflict and Fragility: a Cause of Misery for millions.
We all remember adolescence, too often a time of misery for young people.
The animals you eat lead lives of misery and suffering from birth to death.
It's a kind of misery within the abundance and that's what is really troubling.
Some praised the singer for offering a child an escape from a life of misery.
The obliteration of misery will be accomplished by a simple elevation of level.
She writes that in that meeting, 16 years and 10 months of misery was just wiped away.
It brought years of misery to lebanon-and, of course, no peace in the end to Israel.
The harrowing scenes of misery are supposed to be receding into Venezuela's history.
She writes that in that meeting, 16 years and 10 months of misery was just wiped away.
Social media will suddenly stop being a source of misery, it will become something truly useful.
Firth's face is a picture of misery in the opening scene, under his top hat, as if attending his own funeral.
But Sally and I could also feel a fog of misery seep into the room as we watched Lizzy spring into Marlena's lap.
Had seven long years, under the torture of the scarlet letter, inflicted so much of misery, and wrought out no repentance?
If we want to change that grim calculus, we have to learn to treat earthquake deaths as a symptom of misery — not the cause.
Through this simple act, the entire social community will experience a diminution of misery and an augmentation of health.
Even with the smartest of strategies to adapt to climate change, there will be a high toll of misery for many, especially the poor.
It is a place of misery where 17% of homes do not have running water and too many families live in home-made shacks by motorway Bridges.
Lerner thought this behavior might be an attempt to protect the psyche of people facing an abysmal, unrelenting amount of misery and despair.
Europe’s gross domestic product might have fallen as much as ours, but the Europeans weren’t suffering anything like the same amount of misery.
I may have already had the night of misery when, having prayed for several days that I might die, I had begun to be afraid that I was dying and prayed that I might live.
WITH its vineyard, golf course, resort and spa, the Osoyoos reserve in British Columbia does not fit the usual picture of misery associated with Canada’s 600-odd Indian bands.
加拿大英属哥伦比亚的奥索尤斯保留区(theOsoyoos reserve),坐拥葡萄园、高尔夫球场、渡假山庄和温泉、比起加拿大其他六百多个印第安部落的悲惨情境,实在不太搭调。
WITH its vineyard, golf course, resort and spa, the Osoyoos reserve in British Columbia does not fit the usual picture of misery associated with Canada’s 600-odd Indian bands.
加拿大英属哥伦比亚的奥索尤斯保留区(theOsoyoos reserve),坐拥葡萄园、高尔夫球场、渡假山庄和温泉、比起加拿大其他六百多个印第安部落的悲惨情境,实在不太搭调。