Thirdly, an administrative act can be withdrawn or is of no force when it violates what kind of procedure.
Upwards of a billion stars in our galaxy have burnt up their internal energy sources, and so can no longer produce the heat a star needs to oppose the inward force of gravity.
Not because of the charges, the gravity of the allegations, or the force of the evidence, of which I had no real knowledge yet, but because in a cell she was out of my world, out of my life.
Animals obtain food by force. Man has no claws, no fangs, no horns, no great strength of muscle.
If you do not succeed, you are without resource; for, conciliation failing, force remains; but force failing, no further hope of reconciliation is left.
Mr Obama's team will stress that America has no intention of giving up on Ukraine and Georgia but it will not fight for Georgia militarily or force the issue of NATO membership.
And so the net, the sum of all forces on that object there is no net force on that wheel but there is a net torque, and that's why it's going to precess.
The Thai government has no intention of closing the Thai-Cambodia border and will not use military force to deal with this bilateral problem, he said.
People do it all the time. It only takes a grim determination to force yourself consciously to interact with each new wave of technology, no matter how insipid it seems.
There is no change in the motion of a body unless a resultant force is acting upon it.
Pure physical force generally determines the outcome, as there are no plays in this massive free-for-all and very few techniques, apart from the use of deceit.
No other outside force looks capable of doing the job on Israel’s behalf.
The Church of England has promised to set aside places at its new schools for children whose parents profess other religions or none at all, but the pledge has no legal force.
No recent figures capture the effect of the latest slump, but before it started, more than half the female labour force was employed as non-regular workers.
Interestingly this style of objection has no force; it simply bounces off its target.
If time and money is no problem, they can use brute-force methods that simply try every combination of letters, Numbers and symbols until a match is found.
The first lesson that can be drawn from our experience is that the use of force alone gives no positive results.
Even coercion could not force people and institutions to accept meaningless tickets that they had not heard of or that bore no relation to any other pre-existing money.
Luckily, there is no taxonomic police force, so there is no obligation to abide by any revision to the name of the famous fly.
That the efforts of men and women are of no significance alongside the force of movements and events now not all success, obviously, is worth esteeming, nor all ambition worth cultivating.
Staff at Breckland Council in the eastern English county of Norfolk will no longer be paid for time spent smoking after proposals agreed earlier this year came into force on Monday.
今后,英国东部诺福克郡布雷克兰地方议会的工作人员吸烟所花时间将不计薪酬。 该提议于今年早些时候获得通过,并于本周一生效。
The Baltic states have no air force to speak of, relying instead on NATO allies to police their skies.
Because of a demand from Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president, competition will no longer be one of the EU’s main objectives if the Lisbon treaty comes into force.
No change was bigger than the adoption of an all-volunteer force in 1973.
Once they stop looking for work, they're no longer counted as unemployed or as part of the labor force.
A few suffered rib fractures from the force of the impact, but no skin was broken.
At the start of an ALLOW NO ACCESS load operation, the utility may force concurrent applications that are trying to read from or write to the target table.
At the start of an ALLOW NO ACCESS load operation, the utility may force concurrent applications that are trying to read from or write to the target table.