That was the first time I was introduced to the concept of operator overloading.
As you've seen, operator AD hoc polymorphism, or operator overloading to the rest of us, can be quite powerful if carefully employed and documented.
I remember asking this Gosling in one of my interviews of him why he left out operator overloading (I don't think that question and answer ended up getting published).
In this installment of Practically Groovy, I introduce you to Groovy's support for operator ad-hoc polymorphism, also known as operator overloading.
If your programming language supports operator overloading, you should also provide an implementation of the equality and inequality operators.
The reason I say that is, by having operator overloading I can use 1 generic interface to all of the objects that I want to use.
The reason I say that is, by having operator overloading I can use 1 generic interface to all of the objects that I want to use.