French Polynesia was expected to be first in the firing line, with an estimated arrival time for any potential tsunami of 1550 GMT.
NEW round of air wars looms, and more than London's transport links is in the firing line.
German politicians now talk openly of cutting off Greece's lifeline and letting it fall out of the euro, causing another seizure in the markets, where French Banks have now come into the firing line.
A NEW round of air wars looms, and more than London's transport links is in the firing line.
Thain did a deal with Bank of America because it was next in the firing line after Lehman.
The second line contains the cost of hiring a worker, the amount of the salary, the cost of firing a worker.
The fireproof measures are put forward by analyzing the firing causes of oil line system of high-pressure steam turbine and listing the defects.
But for now as long as Spain remains out of the bailout firing line the markets are happy.
But for now as long as Spain remains out of the bailout firing line the markets are happy.