The problem of the veteran doesn't just end with his anger.
"Some of the veteran guys were like, "Oh OK, he switched off.
Several decades have passed and now the son of the veteran has his own son.
With the help of the veteran workers they designed a new lathe to replace hand Labour.
Television veteran Audrey Morrissey, executive producer of NBC's The Voice, is always looking for what will make a person or story interesting to viewers.
But it is firing back at Taibbi, the son of veteran NBC television reporter Mike Taibbi.
Painstakingly built over the course of 40 years by an army veteran, Hank Greenberg, AIG was the ideal counterparty for Wall Street.
Gioia and other travelers scold themselves for their forgetfulness, but psychologists say it's commonplace even among the most veteran of travelers.
The veteran in velvet found that the diameter of the thermometer was one meter.
The veteran in velvet found that the diameter of the thermometer was one metre.
He is a veteran of the last revolution in medical technology, gene therapy, which, after some hyped expectations in the 1990s, fell into disfavor after some unsuccessful trials.
But Schmidt, a 20-year veteran of the IT industry, wasn't keen on shouldering the considerable costs of creating and maintaining an OS and browser for no obvious return.
"I really thought I understood this market, until I tried to map all of the possible consequences of a breakdown," sighs a bond-market veteran.
They had, they told a shocked nation celebrating its centenary, found only a single survivor on the battlefield, a veteran bleeding from the wounds of seven bullets and arrows.
In (the southwestern state of) Arizona, veteran U.S. Senator John McCain is expected to easily defeat former U.S. Representative J.D. Hayworth in a Republican Party primary.
"Physics allows for environments and gameplay situations that aren't scripted," says Scott Miller of 3d Realms, a veteran of the video-games industry.
But some more veteran members of the American press and staff said it went further than they'd seen in the past.
With the help of a veteran Silicon Valley executive who ACTS as a coach, the three men ultimately developed an effective working relationship.
North Waziristan is also the home base of another veteran Afghan militant, Jalaluddin Haqqani.
The technology is the brainchild of veteran British games designer Peter Molyneux.
这项技术是英国资深游戏设计师Peter Molyneux的脑力劳动产物。
That's why, as a 11 veteran of the stay-at-home career, I decided to answer a few questions from newcomers to the profession.
A veteran of the Seven Years' War, British general John Burgoyne is best remembered for his defeat in the second Battle of Saratoga in the fall of 1777.
"We should have been way ahead," the 12-year veteran of the firm said in the interview.
The veteran market strategist was one of the most bearish analysts at the start of 2008, and he has remained cautious.
The task isn't easy, said Mr. Kudrin, a 12-year veteran of the Finance Ministry, because Russia will also see 2009 budget revenue drop 42% from estimates, amid plunging oil prices.
The cast also includes actress Jiang Wenli, wife of the director, and veteran Chinese actor Pu Cunxin.
The cast also includes actress Jiang Wenli, wife of the director, and veteran Chinese actor Pu Cunxin.