She yearned to escape from her office job.
If you have an office job you might not be getting outdoors enough, or getting enough exercise, and your health might suffer.
When a young employee was left paraplegic and depressed after a car accident, Ella gave an office job and refused to let her drop out of college.
Pat had an office job with the US government with high pay, but he didn't like city life and spending all day inside.
I'd like an Office job in the personnel department.
Cathy: I'd like an office job in the personnel department.
Cathy: I \ 'd like an office job in the personnel department.
Aim for a daytime appearance, especially when pursuing an office job.
Unable to find another office job, she replied to an Internet ad for nannies.
He left his well-paid office job to try to __make a living____ on a farm.
And yes, for that office job, it is suggested you wear what you'd wear to work.
Once I left my office job, and became a work-at-home freelance writer, I was astounded.
This answer would be better for an office job where not many people will see your desk.
So, I did the safe thing and got an office job — the very thing I was sure that I didn't want to do!
If you sit for many hours a day in a traditional office job, you may be interested in a new study.
Exercise is also an important part of making the transition from the office job to working at home.
This is especially important if you've got an office job, and are sitting at a computer all day (like us).
When he returned home again from his office job, she was expecting a bunch of flowers and a present - but he brought nothing.
This arrangement lasted several months until, eventually, a full-time position opened up and I was able to resign from my office job.
If you've got a boring office job, focus on your managerial skills in the hopes that one day you'll be managing something you care about.
His writing Chronicles his adventures in trying to lose weight, escape his office job, and cope with becoming a father for the first time.
He mentions an employee, who has a good office job at the resort but still yearns to work at the local paper mill, like his father and grandfather.
In 1969, he accepted an offer from Black Sparrow Press publisher John Martin and quit his post office job to dedicate himself to full-time writing.
1969年,他从黑雀出版社(Black Sparrow Press)出版人约翰·马丁(John Martin)那里谋得一份差使,辞去了邮局的工作,专心于全职写作。
When a young employee was left paraplegic and depressed after a car accident, Ella gave her a computer and an office job and refused to let her drop out of college.
I'm not just talking about the fact that it's a lot easier to imagine working until you're 70 if you have a comfortable office job than if you're engaged in manual labor.
They were a slice of aspirational India: Poojary's father, who owned two welding shops, was adamant that his son would rise to a higher place in society, an office job.
They were a slice of aspirational India: Poojary's father, who owned two welding shops, was adamant that his son would rise to a higher place in society, an office job.