At the Treasury Department, Summers's office had a large conference table, with a seating area behind it.
In addition to training, conference and office space, this building also contains the VIP area and the auditorium with seating for around 400 people.
The church space has been re-organised to increase seating capacity and a new lounge, kitchen, office and meeting rooms added.
Office identifies many specific projects, including various office licensing department, enterprise VI logo, staff seating signs, company Numbers, signs, posters and so on.
The plan has a server prep room for light food, bathroom, guest conference room or office, a lounge with built in seating for 8 to 10 guest.
这个设计方案中有一个备餐间,主要准备简餐;还有一个卫生间、会议室或者书房,一个休息厅。休息厅里所有的座位都为固定式,可坐8 - 10人。
ZOUM Demonstrates a Major Ergonomic Breakthrough in Seating Design and Brings Advanced Productivity to the Office.
ZOUM Demonstrates a Major Ergonomic Breakthrough in Seating Design and Brings Advanced Productivity to the Office.