It puts your office table or windowsill, which decorates your life's space.
Office table desk with coffee cup, laptop, flower petals on white background.
Helen: this is your room. And this is your office table, just next to Mr. Klimm's, he is the section chief here.
It can effectively make in office table of people or are traveling people to add to your meeting with you face to face communication.
So with WSDL and the HTTP GET binding, that simple CGI script you wrote to keep office table soccer statistics can be a bona fide Web service.
From the office tables, negotiating tables, conference tables, filing cabinets, sofa and coffee table series, We provide the overall office environment solutions.
If you have space, set up a homework "office" anywhere at home with a table or desk and a comfortable chair.
Right now my desk is a table, my iMac, an nothing else. No files, no papers, no office supplies, nothing.
I also used the projector in a house and in my office, setting it on a table and turning off the lights for the best view.
Image above: Me in my office at my drawing table.
At the Treasury Department, Summers's office had a large conference table, with a seating area behind it.
White dumps a jar of them out onto the table at his office to show me how to identify this type of ant.
We were sitting at a conference table in his large, airy office above Times Square, which features floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the Hudson.
If you didn't get a Periodic Table, swing by the office.
Note that we get an extra row from Query 10, because SQL's group by also produces a group for NULL values, and there is one employee in our sample table with no office information.
Brigadier General Marshall Webb an assistant commander of JSOC took a seat at the end of a lacquered table in a small adjoining office and turned on his laptop.
When he returned home from a long day at the office, Jeremy Brosowsky would glance ruefully at his coffee table.
熬过漫长的一天,当Jeremy Brosowsky离开办公室准备返回家中的时候,他会悲戚地看一眼自己的咖啡桌。
Note that you can employ the structure in Table 3.1 independently of your product backlog tool, for instance, by appropriately arranging paper CARDS on a pin board, whiteboard, or the office wall.
That probably means under a sturdy table in your office or at home.
办公室或者是家 里的书桌下就是合适的藏身之处。
If you don't have a room that you can turn into a home office, you can set up shop at the kitchen table, although this is not ideal.
The office was not a very big room, but there was a table and three or four chairs.
A few hundred are culled and end up each weekday afternoon on a round wooden table in the office of Mr. Kelleher, the director of the White House office of Correspondence.
From the commercial counselors office of our embassy in Your County, we know you are a bulk buyer of table cloth.
In the redecorated Oval Office, two plump mustard corduroy sofas take pride of place, facing a boxy, modern coffee table covered with marble-looking tiles.
On the coffee-spattered yellow table of an all-night, fast-food café, he spread a sheet of office paper and commenced to draft the letter.
Basically, the XML contents document contains an office: spreadsheet element, which itself includes a table: table element representing each individual sheet in the spreadsheet.
基本上,这个XML内容至少应包含一个office:spreadsheet元素,该元素本身又包含一个table: table元素,用于表示电子表格中的每个单独的工作表。
I left my bag on the table in the office last night.
That's why when a quivering pat of butter named Word Babcock walked into my office and laid his CARDS on the table, I should have trusted the cold chill that shot up my spine.
It could be a spare bedroom that you've turned into a home office, a desk located in the corner of the living room or even the dining room table.
It could be a spare bedroom that you've turned into a home office, a desk located in the corner of the living room or even the dining room table.