In western society, we have at least two official names, a given name and a surname.
Given the length of the tool's official name, we informally call it ADIEU, the French word for goodbye, in keeping with our goal to say "goodbye to complexity" for users.
In Western Society we have at least two official names, a given name and a surname.
Originally the forward slashes at the front of the URLs, the official name given to web addresses, have to be written in otherwise a page won't load.
In the last, among our blessings and CARES, let us witness an official name given to HT073.
As with any partitioning scheme, anything could be in the partitions that have an official looking name or that claim to have a given type.
As with any partitioning scheme, anything could be in the partitions that have an official looking name or that claim to have a given type.