The results showed that of the 1 004 species(including varieties and forms) of wild officinal plants in Changbai Mountains, 124 species, 98 genera and 59 families are endangered species.
结果表明:长白山区目前1 004种(含变种、变型)野生药用植物中,受到生存威胁的药用植物种类共有59科、98属、124种。
The results showed that of the 1 004 species(including varieties and forms) of wild officinal plants in Changbai Mountains, 124 species, 98 genera and 59 families are endangered species.
结果表明:长白山区目前1 004种(含变种、变型)野生药用植物中,受到生存威胁的药用植物种类共有59科、98属、124种。