If the oil fields whose major contributing components are coal rock exist in the coal bearing system of the world?
Among which, there are the developed oil gas bearing formation, coal bearing formation and red continental clastic rock formation.
Total hydrocarbon content in pyrolysis rock is an important parameter for evaluating the oil bearing property of reservoirs, and is a key point of calculating the saturation of remaining oil.
The Taibei Depression is the main oil and gas bearing area of Tuha Basin, and the coal bearing stratum of the Xishanyao Formation is the most important source rock in the area.
The paper presents an acoustical method to precisely measure the permeating volume of mercury forced into an oil bearing rock sample under high pressure.
A study of magnetism of rock cuttings from 3 oil Wells in Liaohe Oilfield reveals that oil bearing formations in carbonate rock reservoirs are apt to be of lower magnetic susceptibility.
Oil in Qianjiang Formation in the second oil bearing series comes both from an immature source rock in this Formation and from the Lower Xingouzui Formation source.
Oil in Qianjiang Formation in the second oil bearing series comes both from an immature source rock in this Formation and from the Lower Xingouzui Formation source.