AVO is a seismic exploration technology using the characteristics of amplitude variation versus offset to recognize the rock types and oil-gas reservoir.
Due to far away from the hydrocarbon source rock, oil-gas migration and building-up conditions became the main controlling factor of the formation trap reservoir forming.
And there must be a permeable reservoir rock, such As sandstone or porous limestone, to provide pAssage and storage for the oil and gAs.
The discovery of Tertiary diabase reservoir in Jiyang Depression shows that the intrusion rock could form oil-gas accumulation with economic value in petroleum basins.
In this paper, First introduce the geologic model of continental sedimentation, the rock physics expression about oil and gas reservoir of ShengLi oil Filed.
With the discovery of volcanic oil-gas pools, volcanic rock reservoirs, a special oil-gas reservoir type, are paid more and more attention in these days.
It is an important problem in oil and gas field exploration and development to determine the physical parameters of reservoir rocks, and core analysis is a basic way of obtaining reservoir rock data.
It shows that oil and gas moves from source rock to reservoir rock in continuous phase.
This paper analyzes the characteristics, the source rock and the reservoir rock of the oil gas seepages, and predicts the prospects of the oil gas exploration in ShiLou area.
New exploration results discovered that the source rock, reservoir and caprock of the volcanic rock can form a series of oil and gas pools.
The near disposition of source rock, reservoir rock and cap rock is favorable for oil and gas accumulation in buried hill traps.
The reservoir rock facies, with its principal indicators, has recorded aspects of sedimentary facies, diagenetic change and oil gas indication.
There are two oil and natural gas accumulation characters in basement rock reservoir which are all extraneous source of oil and porous fractured reservoir.
These sedimentary characteristics show the favorable condition of reservoir rock and the favorable potential of oil and gas exploration.
The tiny diagenesis cracks are mainly the reservoir space of condensate gas. The reservoir rock is characterized by low permeability and porosity, tiny throat, larger surface and affinity for oil.
An oil reservoir with a free gas cap that supplies the energy to sweep the oil through the reservoir rock into the Wells.
Along with more and more volcanic reservoirs are discovered, volcanic rock is attached with more importance as oil and gas reservoir.
Then test scheme has been designed to simulate rock mechanical behaviors under the altering pore pressure of high - pressure oil and gas reservoir according to the geological structure.
Exploration practice showed that the Paleozoic carbonate rock buried-hills with favorable hydrocarbon source and reservoir rocks are a kind of important oil and gas pools in Bohai Bay Basin.
In recent years, with the development of oil and gas exploration, as the reservoir, volcanic rock is increasingly becoming the new area of oil and gas exploration.
In recent years, with the development of oil and gas exploration, as the reservoir, volcanic rock is increasingly becoming the new area of oil and gas exploration.