The organic oil crop could improve the additional value and brought higher income to the planters.
Biodiesel production has rapidly accelerated and now consumes over a tenth of the global vegetable-oil crop.
Castor is an important oil crop, and castor oil extracted from its seeds is widely used in every field as industrial chemicals.
Back tomorrow to crop more to eat with good grassy Spanish olive oil, perhaps a fresh sheep's cheese.
A 100ft circle was captured by crop circle authority Lucy Pringle in a field of oil seed rape near Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, on May 3.
There are hundreds of related plants, including rubber trees, trees that produce castor and tung oil, and the cassava, a root crop.
"It seems the domestic oil availability has reduced due to lesser kharif crop," said Mehta.
Peanut is one of the main four oils crop in the world, and it is the important source of edible oil and protein in China.
Soybean is the most prominent crop between current supply and demand which could be used either as food or oil and also is an important source of protein for people's daily life.
Soybeans, an important global crop grown for oil and protein, come in various sizes and in several hull or seed coat colours, including black, brown, blue, yellow and mottled.
Feedstock. Woody biomass, oil seed, grasses, cereal crop residue.
The crop is used mainly to produce vegetable oil.
Feedstock pathways for advanced biofuels include switchgrass, soybean oil, corn oil, crop residues, woody biomass and other feedstocks.
Besides, even if America's entire corn crop were to be devoted to ethanol production, it would still only supply 4% of the country's oil consumption.
Oil World also cut its old crop estimate following indications that Brazilian crushers cannot find enough soybeans to cover their needs.
It appears that higher oil content of new-crop soybeans are making up a larger share of the crush as record old-crop soybean supplies are used up.
For instance, the essential oil of orange oil is darker when there is a summer crop and lighter for the winter crop.
The soybean oil yield continued to rise seasonally, solidifying the 2007 soybean crop as having the second highest oil content on record, surpassed only by the 2005 crop.
The soybean oil yield continued to rise seasonally, solidifying the 2007 soybean crop as having the second highest oil content on record, surpassed only by the 2005 crop.