Iraq is committed to achieving producers' joint goals to control the oil glut in world markets.
Opec has delivered a second major oil shock, followed by a world recession and oil glut in 1980-1981.
石油输出国组织发动了第二次大规模的石油冲击,接踵而来的是1980- 1981年的世界性衰退和石油过剩。
At the moment, diesel is in short supply and there is a glut of fuel oil.
The glut of oil depressed gas prices.
A fall in coal prices, caused by a glut of gas, is cutting energy bills, whereas still-high oil prices discourage firms from trucking in cement over long distances, preserving local oligopolies.
天然气供过于求造成的煤价下跌使能源费用有所下降; 不过,水泥公司碍于依旧高企的油价难以长途运输水泥,各地水泥市场仍是本地厂商垄断的局面。
Crude oil prices are continuing their yearlong plunge amid the global oil supply glut and some analysts think the commodity's decline will only get worse before it gets better.
The US supply surge is light and sweet and has created a glut of this kind of oil globally.
Russia had joined the Saudis to call for a freeze in output in order to ease the current glut and thus boost oil prices, the collapse of which has hammered oil-producing economies.
俄罗斯原本联合沙特呼吁固定产量,以缓解当前的过度供应,进而刺激油价上涨。 油价暴跌已经使石油生产国的经济遭受打击。
The necessity of pursuit high-quality of oil painting was immersed and the art market glut with contemporary arts.
The fluctuation of international crude oil price has some impacts on the inflation in China, and meanwhile the liquidity glut is a very important problem that cannot be neglected.
Crude oil price's change has long term influence on China's inflation, but the more important influence factors of inflation in China are liquidity glut and economic overheating.
Crude oil price's change has long term influence on China's inflation, but the more important influence factors of inflation in China are liquidity glut and economic overheating.